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GBA Church Information Sheet

*Church Name

*Your Name


*City *Zip Code

*Contact phone number

*Contact Email        

*Indicates required fields.

Prayer Contact Person (Someone we can email prayer requests to.)

Name Email

Baptist Window Representative (Someone who will distribute The Baptist Window.)

Name Email


Other Ordained Ministers (Staff or members)


We have worship services (Select One)

Or another time - when?

Service Start Times

Sunday School Worship Evening

Prayer (Include day and time)

Revival  (Include dates, times, preacher and musician if applicable)

Members Deceased (Include title, married name, maiden name, day & month of death, age at time of death.) Title is Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms/Deacon/Rev./Dr. or other.

Historical Events: New buildings, special anniversary, pastoral anniversary, etc.

Associational Budget Goal

Annie Armstrong Goal 

Lottie Moon Goal 

Baptismal Goal year


Other Special Occasions or Annual Events (Fall Festivals, Valentine Banquets, Fifth Sunday Sing, etc.)